Seminar-meeting with public assistants of the Commissioner

28 November 2016, Monday

Seminar-meeting with public assistants of the Commissioner for human rights in the Republic of Tatarstan on state guarantees in the social and labor sphere took place on November 25 in Almetievsk city. The Ombudsman stressed that conducting such meetings has become traditional, also mentioned that outreach meetings, direct meetings with applicants, conducting audio and video techniques have given positive results.

The main topic of discussion was the observance of state guarantees in the social and labor sphere. With the information on this topic in the video mode, the Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan Elmira Zaripova.

The Deputy Head of the expert work, "Main Office of the Republic of Tatarstan medical and social expertise" Olga Puzanova and Deputy Manager of Regional Office Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation Camille Fatykhov presented their speeches during the seminar.

In conclusion, SariyaSaburskaya briefed the outcome of the work the Commissioner for the 3rd quarter of this year and the 4th quarter objectives for the public assistants.

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